The TicketMessage object

A ticket-message represents a message (an email, an SMS, a Facebook comment, chat message, etc..) under a normalized format.
There are 3 types of messages:

  • Outgoing messages: messages sent by your company (by rules or support agents) to your customers.
  • Incoming messages: messages sent by your customers to your company.
  • Internal notes: internal messages sent between support agents (users). Internal notes are not sent/shared with your customers.

A ticket-message is associated with only one ticket.

TicketMessage properties


ID of the message.


URI of the message.

string | null

ID of the message on the service that send the message.It can be the ID of an email, a Messenger message, a Facebook comment, etc...


The ID of the ticket the message is associated with.

string | null

ID of the message in a foreign system (Aircall, Zendesk, etc...). This field is not used by Gorgias, feel free to set it as you wish.


Whether the message was sent/receive by a customer. Internal notes are not public.

LegacyChannelSlug | string

The channel used to send the message.


How the message has been received, or sent from Gorgias.

TicketMessageSource | null

Information used to route the message. It contains the names and the addresses of the sender and receivers.


The person who sent the message. It can be a user or a customer.

integer | null

ID of the integration that either received or sent the message.

integer | null

ID of the rule which sent the message, if any.


Whether the message was sent by your company to a customer, or the opposite.

TicketMessageUserOrCustomer | null

The primary receiver of the message. It can be a user or a customer. Optional when the source type is "internal-note".

string | null

The subject of the message.

string | null

The full text version of the body of the message, if any.

string | null

The full HTML version of the body of the message, if any.

string | null

The text version of the body of the message without email signatures and previous replies.

string | null

The HTML version of the body of the message without email signatures and previous replies.

string | null
array | null

A list of files attached to the message.

array | null

A list of macros.

array | null

A list of actions executed before the message was sent. These actions are set by macros.

object | null

Message headers. Used for email messages.


Metadata associated with the message. You can use this field to store structured information (key-value data) about the message. Reserved keys: - current_page: The page from where the user is currently chatting. - relevant_content_indexes: Indexes containing relevant text of the message. - is_quick_reply: Whether the message is a "quick reply". - campaigns: ID of the chat campaign the message is replying to. - campaigns_id: ID of the chat campaign that sent this message. - self_service_flow: An object containing metadata of the self-service flow associated to the message.

ISO 8601 datetime

When the message was created.

string | null

When the message was deleted.

string | null

When the message was sent. If ommited, the message will be sent by Gorgias.

string | null

When the message failed to be sent. Messages that couldn't be sent can be resend.

string | null

When the message was opened by the primary receiver.

TicketMessageSendingError | null

Details of the last error encountered when Gorgias attempted to send the message.


It determines if the message can be retried or not.

TicketMessageRepliedByOrTo | null

The message designated as a response to the current message. This field is temporary and only provided to the web app.

TicketMessageRepliedByOrTo | null

The message designated as replied by the current message. This field is temporary and only provided to the web app.

TicketMessage example object

  "id": 924712,
  "message_id": "<123345676453.2445.234@web>",
  "ticket_id": 12,
  "external_id": "MSG-78545",
  "public": true,
  "channel": "email",
  "via": "api",
  "source": {
    "from": {
      "address": "[email protected]",
      "id": 7,
      "name": "Sender Doe"
    "to": [
        "address": "[email protected]",
        "id": 8,
        "name": "Receiver Doe"
    "type": "email"
  "sender": {
    "id": 93
  "integration_id": 28643,
  "rule_id": 89465,
  "from_agent": true,
  "receiver": {
    "id": 8
  "subject": "Re:Refund request",
  "body_text": "Hello,\n\n        I can't place an order on your site, it says: I don't have enough credit.\n        How can I add some credits?\n\n        Cheers,\n        John Doe\n        ",
  "body_html": "Hello,<br><br>\n\n            I can't place an order on your site, it says: I don't have enough credit.<br>\n            How can I add some credits?<br><br>\n\n            Cheers,<br>\n            John Doe\n            ",
  "attachments": [],
  "macros": [],
  "actions": [],
  "headers": {
    "My-Header": "foo"
  "meta": {},
  "created_datetime": "2020-01-27T10:42:21.468912",
  "deleted_datetime": "2020-01-27T10:42:21.468912",
  "opened_datetime": "2019-07-05T15:22:46.472436"