JUMP TOGorgias APIIntroductionAuthenticationRequestsErrorsPaginationRate Limitsgorgias rest apiAccountThe Account objectRetrieve your accountgetCreate a settingpostList settingsgetUpdate a settingputCustomersThe Customer objectThe CustomerChannel objectCreate a customerpostDelete customersdeleteList customersgetDelete a customerdeleteRetrieve a customergetUpdate a customerputMerge two customersputSet customer dataputDelete customer field valuedeleteUpdate customer field valueputList customer field valuesgetUpdate customer fields valuesputCustom FieldsThe CustomField objectCreate a custom fieldpostList custom fieldsgetBulk update a list of custom fieldsputRetrieve a custom fieldgetUpdate a custom fieldputEventsThe Event objectRetrieve an eventgetList eventsgetFilesThe File objectUpload filespostDownload a filegetIntegrationsThe Integration objectThe TicketHttpIntegration objectCreate an integrationpostList integrationsgetDelete an integrationdeleteRetrieve an integrationgetUpdate an integrationputJobsThe Job objectCreate a jobpostList jobsgetCancel a jobdeleteRetrieve a jobgetUpdate a jobputMacrosThe Macro objectThe MacroAction objectCreate a macropostList macrosgetDelete a macrodeleteRetrieve a macrogetUpdate a macroputArchive macrosputUnarchive macrosputRulesThe Rule objectCreate a rulepostList rulesgetDelete a ruledeleteRetrieve a rulegetUpdate a ruleputUpdate rules' prioritiespostSatisfaction SurveysThe SatisfactionSurvey objectCreate a surveypostList surveysgetRetrieve a surveygetUpdate a surveyputSearchSearch for resourcespostStatisticsThe Statistic objectRetrieve a statisticpostDownload a statisticpostTagsThe Tag objectCreate a tagpostDelete tagsdeleteList tagsgetDelete a tagdeleteRetrieve a taggetUpdate a tagputMerge tagsputTeamsThe Team objectCreate a teampostList teamsgetDelete a teamdeleteRetrieve a teamgetUpdate a teamputTicketsThe Ticket objectCreate a ticketpostList ticketsgetDelete a ticketdeleteRetrieve a ticketgetUpdate a ticketputAdd ticket tagspostRemove ticket tagsdeleteList ticket tagsgetSet ticket tagsputDelete ticket field valuedeleteUpdate ticket field valueputList ticket field valuesgetUpdate ticket fields valuesputTicket MessagesThe TicketMessage objectCreate a messagepostList messages of a ticketgetDelete a messagedeleteRetrieve a messagegetUpdate a messageputList messagesgetUsersThe User objectCreate a userpostList usersgetDelete a userdeleteRetrieve a usergetUpdate a userputViewsThe View objectCreate a viewpostList viewsgetDelete a viewdeleteRetrieve a viewgetUpdate a viewputList view's itemsgetSearch for view's itemsputVoice CallsThe VoiceCall objectRetrieve a voice callgetList voice callsgetVoice Call RecordingsThe VoiceCallRecording objectDelete a voice call recordingdeleteRetrieve a voice call recordinggetList voice call recordingsgetVoice Call EventsThe VoiceCallEvent objectRetrieve a voice call eventgetList voice call eventsgetWidgetsThe Widget objectCreate a widgetpostList widgetsgetDelete a widgetdeleteRetrieve a widgetgetUpdate a widgetputDownload a statisticpost https://{domain}.gorgias.com/api/stats/{name}/downloadDownload CSV-formatted data of a statistic.