Integrations connect Gorgias with external services (e.g. Gmail, Shopify, chat systems).
There are official Gorgias integrations that can be found in the Integrations page in the helpdesk and there are custom HTTP integrations.
Most integrations use HTTP APIs.
Integration properties
Integration example object
"id": 123,
"created_datetime": "2021-01-07T13:00:00.123456",
"http": {
"form": {
"hello": "world",
"ticket_id": "{{}}"
"method": "GET",
"request_content_type": "application/json",
"response_content_type": "application/json",
"triggers": {
"ticket-created": true,
"ticket-updated": true,
"ticket-message-created": true,
"ticket-self-unsnoozed": true,
"ticket-message-failed": true
"url": "{{}}"
"name": "My HTTP integration",
"type": "http",
"updated_datetime": "2021-01-07T13:00:00.123456",
"user": {}