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File upload api returns 201 but no file is created?

I am attempting to create a file using the api but its just returning a 201 with just a blank array \[], normally if the file is not formed correctly or missing it returns an error but for some reason I am just getting no file url returned. The docs do not specify why this might occur.

Bug in webhook payload

Hi, There's an error in your webhook payloads for HTTP integrations - when there are multiple email addresses on a customer, and I choose one, Gorgias correctly sends the email to the right address. However, in the webhook payload, the "receiver" email field in the message object is wrong - it is always the first email on the customer object, not the one that actually received the email. This is a breaking issue for us, please keep me updated on how/when it is resolved. Thanks! Scott

Where is the full schema for Widget entity?

I just need the full schema of the widget entity

Is there a plan to have an API for Articles?

Is there a plan to have an API for Articles?

Enable CORS

Hi, I want to create an app by which I can create tickets in Gorgias. Unfortunately, I am getting CORS error. The application is built using NodeJS. How can I make the request / what needs to be done in order to have a valid request? Awaiting response.

VoiceCallEvent Type How many types are there

VoiceCallEvent Type How many types are there

Can I force opening a ticket on one of the agents screen?

I'm planning to write my own integration. My idea is: - A customer calls to our VOIP server - One of my agents picks up the phone - At that time I see who the agent is who picks up the phone, I know the customer phone number, I directly create a ticket, something like this: curl --request POST --url <https://your-domain.gorgias.com/api/tickets> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data ' { "assignee_team": { "id": 122 }, "assignee_user": { "id": 13 }, "customer": { "email": "[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])" }, "status": "open", "channel": "phone", "from_agent": false, "language": "nl", "messages": \[ { "channel": "phone", "from_agent": true, "via": "phone", "attachments": [ { "public": true } ] } ], "via": "phone" } ‘ - I would now for my agent to preferably get this ticket opened on screen so they have the context of the caller in screen. Also possible would be an option where our agent can easily open the just created ticket because it's on top of some list Is this something Gorgias caters for?

Change messages body_text when updating a ticket

Is there any way to update ticket body message?

Nulls in opened_datetime column

Hi there, I noticed there are many nulls in the opened_datetime column where assignee_user. name is populated in tickets table from the API call. Is this expected ?

How do I incrementally sync customers?

I can't filter by updated_datetime, I have to full reload every time?